Join Us

At Minnesota Online Counseling, our goal is to help you see clients and grow your practice.

We offer fair, flexible arrangements that allow you to see clients under the umbrella of Minnesota Online Counseling.

We are currently adding:

  • Private Label Affiliates (description below)

Two ways to be a Minnesota Online Counseling Affiliate

Clinic Affiliate - 75/25 Revenue Split


  • Credentialing/roster add for all major insurance carriers, including Medicare and Medicaid. This includes adding your office location if applicable.

  • Meet with clients via telehealth or in-person from your office

  • You set your schedule. No minimum client hours.

  • No non-compete clause. 60-day notice to discontinue affiliation.

  • A spot on Our Staff page, the main target of our marketing efforts, including a substantial Google Ads budget

  • Plug into our established processes, forms, and EHR system (SimplePractice)

    Submission and resolution of all insurance claims

    Client invoicing and collections

    Credit card processing

    Past due client balance process

  • Subsidized EHR access

  • Cost share (50%) for AI documentation tools

  • Inclusion in our 24/7 answering service

  • Monthly (optional) online case consultation

The split for Clinic Affiliates is 75/25 with Affiliates receiving 75% of gross collections, less 1.8% MNCare Tax, which is deducted and paid on your behalf. We also deduct a subsidized fee for SimplePractice, currently $49 per month.

Affiliates are paid once a month through auto-deposit.

Private Label Affiliate - 80/20 Revenue Split

You can operate under your own clinic name with your own branding and website, or under the name of Minnesota Online Counseling.


You enjoy all of the features of a Clinic Affiliate (above) except you do not have a spot on Our Staff page.

The split for Private Label Affiliates is 80/20 with Affiliates receiving 80% of gross collections, less 1.8% MNCare Tax, which is deducted and paid on your behalf. We also deduct a subsidized fee for SimplePractice, currently $49 per month.

Bridge to Independent Practice

We have helped many clinicians transition to their own totally independent practice. We hope you stay, but if you move on to your own independent practice, no hard feelings. We wish you well.

Sound Interesting?

If this sounds like it might be a good fit for you, email Dave Halper at

We look forward to supporting you in meeting client needs.