Andrea Shellen, MA, LMFT

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Andrea Shellen, MA, LMFT

Hello, and welcome to my page.  I’m excited for you to take your first steps in finding calm and balance in your life!  I help to empower people to access their own healing capabilities.  Everyone has inherent worth, and part of the therapeutic process is assisting in the identification and strengthening of one’s own resources.  We as humans have the incredible ability to heal ourselves from trauma with some guidance, no matter what the circumstances have been.  Trauma is defined as anything that continues to disrupt present day life, even if the trauma(s) occurred a long time ago.  I use EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy), and BSP (Brainspotting) to help clients to release their traumas to promote a sense of inner safety and peace. 

I graduated from the Master’s Counseling program at the University of North Dakota in 1998, and  received my license in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2006.  I work primarily with adult and teen individuals who are struggling to overcome some type of trauma in their lives.

I’m never bored, and in my free time I hang with my husband, dog and hedgehog.  I love camping and being on the lake, especially in my kayak.  I enjoy concerts and music and I am a creative, crafty type.

I am an in-network provider for the following insurance companies:

  • Aetna


  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (includes Anthem)

  • Cigna

  • HealthPartners

  • Hennepin Health

  • Medical Assistance

  • Optum (Medica, United HealthCare, UMR, Optum EAP)

  • Prime West

  • South Country Health Alliance

  • Surest

  • UCare

I also offer private pay options. To schedule an appointment with me please click on the button below and select my name. You can also contact me at