Katie Dunson O’Connell, PhD, LP

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Katie O’Connell, PhD, LP

Dr. Katie is now accepting new clients for child, adolescent, and family counseling

Dr. Katharine Dunson O'Connell, PhD, L.P. is a child clinical psychologist, family and community educator, and independent consultant. She specializes in child and adolescent development, and the neuroscience of anxiety and depression, attention deficit disorder and learning issues, and related psychological conditions. Dr. Katie has been compassionately treating kids, teens, young adults, and families for over 25 years using cognitive behavior therapy and other evidence-based approaches. 

Dr. O'Connell earned her bachelor's degree in Psychology and Writing-Intensive English from Marquette University in 1990, and her Master's and PhD degrees in Child Clinical Psychology from DePaul University in 1996. She completed her clinical training at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

“I’m glad you’re here. Welcome. My work is inspired by the clients I serve - their individuality, hopes and dreams, imaginations, and struggles. I have been working to make my services more accessible and effective for the people who need them most. Online appointments are an effective way of doing that. I’ve also developed a line of fun therapeutic activity books that families can use on their own to help kids develop emotional intelligence and balance, coping skills, and resilience. Together, we can make positive change.”  — Dr. Katie

I am an in-network provider for the following insurance companies:

  • Aetna

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield (includes anthem)

  • Cigna

  • HealthPartners

  • Hennepin Health

  • Magellan

  • Medical Assistance

  • Prime West

  • South Country Health Alliance

  • Surest

  • UCare

I also offer private pay options. I will give you an insurance form after each session to mail to your insurance carrier for reimbursement. To schedule an appointment with me please click on the button below and select my name, or you can contact me at 651-756-7590 email me at koconnell@mnonlinecounseling.com.

Katie O’Connell - The Author

Dr. Katie O’Connell is a published author of childrens’ book to help with topics such as self-confidence, friendship, anxiety, and depression.

Books by Katie O’Connell

(Available on Amazon):